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Thursday, May 6, 2010

It's a GIRLY way to hold my makeup brushes! :)


 I have been trying to better organize my makeup and jewelry. I found this really cute desk organizer at Home Goods. It was like 7 or 8 bucks which is a little much, but I saw another one that was plain and just like it for waay more. And if you've ever been to Home Goods, you know that everything is sort of unique so you may not find it there again if you decide to buy the item later. Ok, anywho, the idea is to get any kind of container and fill it with colored sand. I bought the sparkly (or so it seems) royal blue sand at Michaels today. It was 2.99 and it was in the aisle where you find the marbles, and glass vases that you can put candles in. It was NOT on sale, so if you regularly get the 40% off coupon at Michaels (or even Joannes) I'm sure you can make a good deal out of it! I applied my coupon today to an 8.99 item so I paid the full 2.99...Which still isn't bad. So that's my makeup cool decor thing for the day! :)...Hope you like it!


  1. Thats really cute! Great idea!
    I'll probably try that!! :)

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Oh my goodness ! Adorable !!! I have all my stuff in a little tiny bag because I'm usually applying it in the car. lol.
